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Want to experience vibrant Bhutanese culture at close proximity take a festival trip to Bhutan.Bhutanese love to socialize. An integral part of the Bhutanese tradition is its culture. Bhutanese love social gatherings and present themselves in spirit of celebration. If you wish to see Bhutanese from all walks of life making fun, play, flirt and drink alcohol during such festivities Western Bhutan Tour is tour program designed in such a way that when you  travel or tour in Bhutan one can experience the gift of Western Bhutan with beautiful mountains and valleys. It offers stunning scenery with golden paddy fields cascading down the magnificent mountains. If you wish to experience Bhutanese culture and tradition any time of the year then a tailor made Bhutan cultural trip is meant for you. The drive through the undulating landscape takes you to the central Bhutan where you will experience ancient fortresses, monasteries, and temples. Your wishes to explore the scenic beauty and pristine environment of mountainous terrain then trekking in Bhutan is for you. As a Bhutan trekking company we promise a memorable experience amidst lofty mountains, deep valleys and rushing streams, On trip like Himalaya Walking Tour don’t miss Bhutan Walking Tour is tour program designed for the clients on their trip to Asia or trekking in Himalaya that has more of walking tours and less of driving. The advantage of doing more of walking will give more time to explore Bhutan. This tour has great advantage When you explore Asian textile tour don’t miss Bhutan textile tour or textile in Bhutan which is a living textile museum of Himalaya. The Bhutanese textiles are the highest form of art and spiritual expression. The indigenous knowledge and unique skills on textiles have been passed down for generations. Photographers in Bhutan come across photographic seductions and have abundant opportunities to photograph the Himalayan ice peaks, the virgin forests, the unique plants and flowers, the Dzongs (fortresses), the temples, the chorten (stupas), the prayer wheels and multicolored prayer flags, the farm houses. Tour package for individual tours and private group tours based on the availability of your time and the things that you are interested in.

Search for what are native sports in Bhutan

Search for what are native sports in Bhutan

Here in Bhutan ever where you go you see lots of men  playing archery for fun, match on weekend and every district you go you will see archery tournament which is getting more popular amongst the  Bhutanese man.

The Bhutan Indigenous Games and Sports Association is undertaking a study and revival of Indigenous Games and Sports in the country. The purpose behind the research is to document the origin, history and popularity of the traditional games and sports in the country.

A team of assistant researchers was sent to all the 20 Dzongkhags.

The President of Bhutan Indigenous Games and Sports Association, and also the former minister, Kinzang Dorji, said so far they have listed 25 indigenous sports.

“Some could be regional or local but this is very much part of local tradition and culture.”

“So the propose of this to understand the sports its origin, history, its rise, decline, popularity and the first of all we would like to document so that it is documented for our future generation,” said the President.